- An Introduction to the Gathas of Zarathushtra: Good and Evil
- Zoroastrians: Followers of a Faith that is Relevant to the Modern World
- Women in the Old Avesta: Social Position and Textual Composition
- An Archaeologist’s Approach to Avestan Geography
- The Nature of the Divine
- Truth, Asha
- Good Thinking, Vohu Manah
- LGBTQ+ and Zarathushtra’s Teachings
- Collection of articles By Dr. Ali A. Jafarey
- Zarathushtra’s Genetic System, Stanley Insler
- Have We Remained True to the Teachings of Zarathushtra
- Religion and Politics in Pre-Islamic Iran
- Domains of Belief Transcript (see videos section)
- Meetings with Magi: Iranian Themes among the Greeks
- Avestan quotations in Pahlavi books. On two passages found in Denkard book VII
- Salient Points
- The Message of Zarathushtra
- Divine Emanations, the Primal Principles of Life
- The Universal Religion of Zarathushtra
- God in the Gathas
- Zarathushtra, Life and Teachings
- Spenta Mainyu, and Good and Evil in the Gathas
- Avesta: an Introduction
- The Initiation Ceremony
- The Gathas Forever
- Death in the Gathas
- Rituals in the Gathas
- Freedom of Choice, Meaning and Message of Yasna 30.2
- A Thought a Day to Practice, Pray, and Say (Gatha Translation)
- Women in the Gathas and the Later Avesta
- Zoroastrian Religion and Democracy
- The Precise Iranian Calendar, made simple
- Nowruz, the Zarathushtrian New Year
- Iranian and Parsi Priests
- Zoroastrian Priest in the Avesta
- The Priest
- Ratu
- Iranians and Turanians in the Avesta
- The Gathas and Translation, Explanation, Interpretation, and Imagination
- The Good Religion and Institutionalized Zoroastrianism
- The Gathas, Our Guide (Dr. Ali A. Jafarey)
- Understanding the Gathas (Dinshaw J. Irani/edited by Prof. K.D. Irani)
- The Gathas: The Hymns of Zarathushtra (Dinshaw J. Irani)
- The Divine Songs of Zarathushtra (Irach J.S. Taraporewala)
- The Gathas of Zarathustra (Stanley Insler)
- Translation of Gathas: The Holy Songs of Zarathushtra (Mobed Firouz Azargoshasb)
- Zoroaster: The Prophet of Ancient Iran (A.V. William Jackson)
- Asura in the Early Vedic Religion
- The Origin of the Indo-Iranians
- Aramaic Ritual Texts from Persepolis
The First Monotheistic Religion: Zoroastrianism
Domains of Belief (part 1 of 4)
Domains of Belief (part 2 of 4)
Domains of Belief (part 3 of 4)
Dr. Ali A. Jafarey on Nowruz (lecture in Persian)
A Visit to the Yazd Fire Temple in Iran
Gatha Recitations
Yasna 47-48
Yasna 51
- Quick Definitions
- Avestan—Part 1: Historical, geographical, and cultural background
- Avestan—Part 2: Avestan texts and ritual practice
- Avestan—Part 3: Avestan script and sound
- Avestan—Part 4: Avestan manuscripts
- Dictionary of Most Common Avesta Words
- FEZANA School Lesson Plan—What Are the Gathas (grades 9-12)
- FEZANA School Lesson Plan—Prime Principles of Life (grades 9-12)
- Old Iranian Online (University of Texas at Austin)
- Avesta: A Beginner’s Guide to the Script, Grammar, and Language
- A Grammar of Gathic Avestan
- An English-Avesta Dictionary
- An Avesta Grammar in Comparison with Sanskrit
- The Gathas, Our Guide (Dr. Ali A. Jafarey)
- Understanding the Gathas (Dinshaw J. Irani/edited by Prof. K.D. Irani)
- The Gathas: The Hymns of Zarathushtra (Dinshaw J. Irani)
- The Divine Songs of Zarathushtra (Irach J.S. Taraporewala)
- The Gathas of Zarathustra (Stanley Insler)
- Translation of Gathas: The Holy Songs of Zarathushtra (Mobed Firouz Azargoshasb)
- The Gāthās of Zarathushtra and the Other Old Avestan Texts (1991: Humbach, Elfenbein, Skjærvø)
- Zarathushtra and His Antagonists (Humbach, Gatha translation)
- The RigVeda The Earliest Religious Poetry of India
- Šahrestānīhā ī Ērānšahr (The Provincial Capitals of Iran)
- Aerpatistan and Nirangistan
- The “Zend” Avesta, Sacred Books of the East, James Darmesteter
- Avesta the Sacred Book of the Parsis, Karl F. Geldner
- An Old Zand-Pahlavi Glossary (Frahang i oim)
- A study of the Five Zarathushtrian Gathas with texts and translations
- Frahang i Pahlavik
- Dēnkard Book 6 The Wisdom of the Sasanian Sages
- Pahlavi Vendidad
- Persepolis Fortification Tablets
- Pazand Texts
- šak-ud-gumānīh-vizār
- Mādayān ī Hazār Dādestān (Book of a Thousand Judgments)
- The Sudgar Nask of Denkard Book 9
- Bundahishn Pahlavi text
- Achaemenid Echoes in the Wall Paintings of Akchakhan-Kala, Chorasmia, and their Broader Significance for Central Asia
- Sine Sepulchro cultural complex of Transoxiana (between 1500 and the middle of the 1st Millennium BCE)
- Ancient Chorasmian Mural Art
- An Iron Age Urban Settlement Revealed by Magnetic Survey: The Case of Ulug Depe (Turkmenistan)
- Iron Age in Turkmenistan: Ulug depe in the Kopetdagh piedmont
- The Yaz II and III period pottery. Classification and chronology viewed from Bandykhan, Southern Uzbekistan.
- Bronze Age and Early Iron Age People of Eastern Central Asia Volume I
- Bronze Age and Early Iron Age People of Eastern Central Asia Volume II
- Central Asia during the Achaemenid Period
- Decorative motifs of the Early Iron Age (Yaz I) pottery in Southern Turkmenistan
- Early Urban Developments in Central Asia
- Evaluation of components and distribution of Yaz-I-III culture in Khorasan cultural field
- New archeoastronomical investigation of the complex Koy-Krylgan-Kala
- Linking agriculture and exchange to social developments of the Central Asian Iron Age
- Step over the Gap, not in it: A Case Study of Iranian Sistan Archaeology
- The Middle Iron Age in Ulug-depe: A preliminary typo-chronological and technological study of the Yaz II ceramic complex
- The Yaz I-III Settlement Pattern in the Serakhs Oasis, Southern Turkmenistan
- Altiranisches Wörterbuch (Old Iranian Dictionary)
- A Grammar of Gathic Avestan
- Altiranisches Sprachgut
- Avestiche Laut- und Flexionslehre
- Index Verborum of the Fragments of the Avesta
- Handbuch der Zendsprache
- Note on Avestan Ahū
- Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen Vol I
- Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen Vol II
- Old Avestan Primer
- Young Avestan Primer
- W.B. Henning selected papers II
- The Avestan Language and Its Cognates
- Traces of Textual Fluidity in the Zand: Extracts from the Pahlavi Yasna in the Old Pahlavi Codex K20
- Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb
- Volume I, Book III Collation of Doctrine, part I
- Volume II, Book III Collation of Doctrine, part 2
- Volume III, Book III Collation of Doctrine, part 3
- Volume IV, Book III Collation of Doctrine, part 4
- Volume V, Book III Collation of Doctrine, part 5
- Volume VI, Book III Collation of Doctrine, part 6
- Volume VII, Book III Collation of Doctrine, part 7
- Volume VIII, Book III Collation of Doctrine, part 8
- Volume IX, Book III part 9, Book IV on the Parthian and Sassanid Periods, Book V part 1
- Volume X, Book V Writings of Adar Frobag, part 2, Book VI part 1
- Volume XI, Book VI Wisdom of the Ancient Sages part 2
- Volume XII, Book VI Wisdom of the Ancient Sages part 3
- Volume XIII, Book VII Zarathushtra-Nâmag, part I
- Volume XIV, Book VII Zarathushtra-Nâmag, part II
- Volume XV, Book VIII contents of the Avesta Nasks, part II
- Volume XVI, Book VIII contents of the Avesta Nasks, part II
- Volume XVII, Book IX contents of the Gâthic Nasks, part I
- Volume XVIII, Book IX contents of the Gâthic Nasks, part II
- Volume XIX, Book IX contents of the Gâthic Nasks, part III
- Volume I The Land of Iran
- Volume II The Median and Achaemenian Periods
- Volume III (1) The Seleucid, Parthian, and Sassanid Periods
- Volume III (2) The Seleucid, Parthian, and Sassanid Periods
- Volume IV The Period from the Arab Invasion to the Saljuqs
- Volume V The Saljuq and Mongol Periods
- Volume VI The Timurid and Safavid Periods
- Volume VII From Nadir Shah to the Islamic Republic